Title: Stenography of feelings Size: 78.74 x 78.74 in; 200 x 200 cm Medium: Oil, acrylic, spray, pastel on canvas
The artist Nicholas Koshkosh works with a range of different themes, mixing abstract expressionism, graffiti, and classical mythology while sprinkling the keys of his personal history in flashy bright colors. The artist emphasizes that color could be everything if used correctly. Koshkosh is continuously playing with various themes from the history of art and presenting them in a modern language. With the combination of ancient images, the echo with classical painting, and the pioneers of contemporary art, there is a whole world philosophy behind each work.
At the heart of his work lie both the fundamental choices an individual makes when confronted with basic questions of identity and a broader cultural phenomenon. Koshkosh broadcasts images recognized by world culture, which pass through an entire series of artists' filters that determine his values. The artist's action painting style is not a movement of the artist's hand, driven by the moment's urge, which seeks to erase or soften what already exists. Its power is to combine elements into dynamic connections, preserving what emerges and allowing energies to coexist.
Born in Mariupol, eastern Ukraine, he studied at the Bible Institute and became seriously interested in graffiti and tattooing while still a teenager. Nicholas Koshkosh’s artworks are often interpreted as detailed and colorful graffiti. He combines his love for tattoos and graffiti with the knowledge he has learned from the Bible Institute. His works and himself become a divine mirror, reflecting the things around them, open experiments in the space of life and art. Nicholas Koshkosh is a young artist who has turned his image and lifestyle into a constant process of transforming the world. The artist leaves his mark everywhere, quickly working in different techniques and surfaces without distinguishing or defining himself in any genre.