Title: The national anthem No.2 - 16.22 (2022)
Size: 78 × 114 in; 198 x 300 cm
Medium: Acrylic, oil, oil pastel and ink on canvas gallery wrapped on 1-½” stretcher bars


Born in 1970, Portland, Oregon
Lives and works in Portland, Oregon
Portland-based self-taught artist and composer Tim Nerheim-Chereck mixes a bold and energetic blend of abstraction, representation, drawing, and writing via large-scale paintings on canvas and paper. Up until the age of 40, Tim lived with undiagnosed Bi-Polar and had composed countless unpublished classical music compositions. While learning to live in balance over the next decade, he independently studied many great expressionist painters, most notably Rothko, Diebenkorn, Guston, Twombly, and Basquait. Finally, in early 2020 at the age of 49, Nerheim-Chereck painted for the first time in his life. Over the next two years, his practice would generate over 500 works on canvas and paper-primarily using acrylics, oil pastels, tempera sticks, markers, and wax crayons in his home studio.