Title: Big fucking mistake (2023)
Size: 39.37 x 31.49 in; 100 x 80 cm
Medium: Acrylic, spray on canvas


Tobias "Oliw87" Ekman, a Swedish artist, was born in Stockholm in 1987, where he continues to live and work to this day. Growing up, Ekman developed a deep passion for graffiti art, which greatly influenced his artistic style and themes. His paintings beautifully blend both straightforward and enigmatic sentences, infused with social criticism.

One of Ekman's most renowned artistic series is the "Chanel or Die," which has garnered significant attention and appreciation. These artworks have not only found a place in numerous art collections but have also been displayed on the streets, engaging with a broader audience.

His artistic achievements have caught the eye of various publications and companies. Prominent magazines such as "Elle" have featured Ekman's work, acknowledging his unique artistic approach and the impact it has had on the art world. Additionally, his talent has led him to collaborate with esteemed brands like Range Rover, showcasing his ability to extend his creative vision beyond the canvas. Furthermore, Ekman has ventured into the world of fashion, collaborating with notable brands such as MaxJenny and Gul&Blå.